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      Welcome to Anhui gangli Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.     today:    中文版 English Join favorites
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          cold rolling torsion
          Three ribbed steel bars
          Hot rolled bar
          Two ribbed steel bars
          Hoop machine
        Hot rolled flat equipment

      Yang Jiming 
      Mobile phone number: +8618063055566
      English Contact:
      Barret Ong
      Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

      Phone number: 0564-3355899 
      Fax number: 0564-3352221 
      E-mail: 772190797@qq.com 
      Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

      Hot rolled flat equipment
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      Anhui gangli Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Service:0564-3355899 Fax:0564-3352221 技術支持:六安鵬程網(wǎng)絡 后臺管理
      About Us NEWS auxiliary equipment Products Testimonies CONTACT US


      Yang Jiming 

      Mobile phone number: +8618063055566


      English Contact:

      Barret Ong

      Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

      Phone number: 0564-3355899 
      Fax number: 0564-3352221 
      E-mail: 772190797@qq.com or anhuigangli@gmail.com

      Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

      Introduction Company News auxiliary equipment Hot rolled angle steel    
      MD speech Industry News Marketing Network Three ribbed steel bars    
      Business Culture Anouncement Info Download Straightener    
      Vancancy   Hot rolled bar    
      Certificated   Two ribbed steel bars    
          Hoop machine      
          Hot rolled flat equipment      
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