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      Welcome to Anhui gangli Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.     today:    中文版 English Join favorites
      HOME Testimonies CONTACT US
      Company Announcement
          cold rolling torsion
          Three ribbed steel bars
          Hot rolled bar
          Two ribbed steel bars
          Hoop machine
        Hot rolled flat equipment

      Yang Jiming 
      Mobile phone number: +8618063055566
      English Contact:
      Barret Ong
      Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

      Phone number: 0564-3355899 
      Fax number: 0564-3352221 
      E-mail: 772190797@qq.com 
      Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

      Hot rolled angle steel
        Hot rolled angle steel 
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      1. Introduction

      The unit is made of waste coarse steel bar, waste plate, rolled angle steel / flat steel and so on

      Angle steel

      Flat steel

      Water mist dust removal: only water vapor, no smoke

      Coal burning stove

      Natural gas furnace:

      Canned natural gas

      rolling mill

      Cold bed

      Basic configuration parameters of angle iron equipment  
      Product name Company Mill No. 1 Mill No. 2 Mill No. 3 Mill No. 4 Mill No. 5 Mill No. 6 Mill No. 7 Mill No. 8
      Model   RZ40 RZ32 RZ28 RZ25 RZ22 RZ20 RZ18 RZ16
      Diameter of base metal mm 100 width 16-20 flat iron              
      Diameter of finished product mm Angles 3 to 4
      Roll line speed Meters per minute 35 45 55 80 120 240 280 300
      Predetermined length m                
      Adjust speed   frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion frequency conversion
      control mode   Linkage frequency conversion control
      Host power KW 132KW 160KW 160KW 132KW 200KW 200KW 200KW 220KW
      Total power KW 1400
      Rolling mill   Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment Electric adjustment
      Roll size mm Roll surface roll diameter phi 300/ length L500
           Next: Angle sawing machine
      Anhui gangli Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Service:0564-3355899 Fax:0564-3352221 技術(shù)支持:六安鵬程網(wǎng)絡(luò) 后臺管理
      About Us NEWS auxiliary equipment Products Testimonies CONTACT US


      Yang Jiming 

      Mobile phone number: +8618063055566


      English Contact:

      Barret Ong

      Number/whatsapp: +8618063055566 

      Phone number: 0564-3355899 
      Fax number: 0564-3352221 
      E-mail: 772190797@qq.com or anhuigangli@gmail.com

      Company address: Shouchun Road East of Lu'an City Economic and Technological Development Zone 

      Introduction Company News auxiliary equipment Hot rolled angle steel    
      MD speech Industry News Marketing Network Three ribbed steel bars    
      Business Culture Anouncement Info Download Straightener    
      Vancancy   Hot rolled bar    
      Certificated   Two ribbed steel bars    
          Hoop machine      
          Hot rolled flat equipment      
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